Packaging Project for a conceptual wine company, Petalo.
These wines are floral, flavored wines represented by labels and boxes with vibrant illustrations to influence shelf recognition by creating a contrast with the neighboring dark, sophisticated designs that wine companies tend to present.
This project was crafted and executed physically for the course ART - 330 Advertising Design at Fort Lewis College.

Label & Packaging Design
Each of Petalo's labels is influenced by the characteristics of the wine's flavors, associations, and components alike, to represent the contents in an accessible, easily understood design language.
The labels themselves are cut out and shaped to the design, with sections missing corresponding to the label, to add some more intimate detail, and simultaneously, the amount of wine still remaining by peering through the label. Each of the bottle's corks are dipped into color-coordinated wax according to the labels, further incorporating the color palette into the packaging.

"Arbusto" is a rose-infused wine that takes its design inspiration from rose bushes and rose flowers, utilizing the colors of white, pink, and red rose petals with muted shades of green backing the flowers.
The name "Arbusto" is an Italian word for "bush" or "shrub."

Calma is a lavender-infused wine that was designed by taking influence from the night sky, which is a conceptual representation of lavender's known calming effect on the human mind.
The name "Calma" is an Italian word for "peacefulness" or "calm."

"Impollinare" is a honey-infused wine that takes influence from the honeycomb structure of beehives as well as the honey bees that make them.
The name "Impollinare" is an Italian word, meaning "to pollinate."