Logo Design
Reel Famous is a set construction company that focuses specifically on the design and construction of sets for use in professional film productions or large-scale productions.
This logo is intended to express Reel Famous' specialization in the field of set construction in a minimal way which is achieved by the forced connection and combination of visual elements from a film strip imposed with the iconic curve of a parting curtain.
Reel Famous Set Construction, Reel Famous, logo, Swett Design, 2022
Reel Famous Typography
The typography paired with the logomark is a friendly and modern serif, chosen to represent the creative side of set design, but to still factor in the more important and serious side of Reel Famous' business— construction, I chose to set the font in a heavier weight, which also balances out the mark.
Reel Famous Set Construction, Reel Famous, logo, Swett Design, 2022

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